Monday, March 24, 2008

What Not To Wear

The Big Week Of Fun is over. Spring Break festivities came to a screeching halt as both boys returned to school today. Woohoo. Too bad I spent the whole everloving day in a doctor's office with Pop. Seriously. The appointment should have taken an hour, hour and a half tops---FOUR AND A FREAKING HALF HOURS! I dropped Fat Baby at school, went straight there and returned home to drop off Pop twenty minutes before I was due back at the preschool. It's going to be all about me on Friday.

The wedding we attended was lovely. It was an outdoor event (very bold move this time of year, especially seeing how tornadoes ripped through the ATL just one week prior) and the weather was perfect. I was totally comfortable in a sleeveless dress with no hose. (I've been tanning for a month and a half).

I did mention that I found the perfect Southern Fried Family outfits for the day. What I don't remember telling you is that I purchased a "back-up" outfit, so I would have two to choose from. The main problem I had was that the dress I loved (and ultimately wore) was sleeveless. I wasn't sure I'd be able to find a little coordinating cardigan to wear if necessary. The back-up dress came with a matching cardigan, so I bought it to cover my bases, but later found one to go with Dress #1. I kept the back-up, because:
1)it's cute
2)it fits nicely
3)it was on sale
4)and I like to buy stuff

I didn't even take the back-up with me, because I loved Dress #1 so much. I was working Dress #1 which looked even better without the cardigan. (Hooray beautiful weather!) Just before the ceremony, as my perfectly coordinated prep-a-licious family looked walked a cute and very SKINNY, younger girl in....THE BACK-UP!!!!!! I looked at My Baby's Daddy who was cracking up. I know he was thinking, "OH, Thank. You. Jesus!!!!" Because, as I told him, we would have looked like a freaking Nutri-System ad....and I would be the BEFORE picture!!!!!! Not good.

We were both very thankful for Dress #1, the un-needed cardigan, and my cute accessories at that moment. It would've been a long ride home for My Baby's Daddy if I'd been wearing the same dress as Kate Moss over there.

In other news....Fat Baby has peed in the potty almost every time I've taken him since last week!!!! HOORAY!!!!! Even with traveling, he is the bomb! It's like a light switch flipped, and now he goes potty. Next week---underwear city, baby!

And one more thing...did Atlanta officially vote itself out of the South? My Baby's Daddy grew up there & even he was amazed at the plethora of bad manners, rudeness, and don't even get me started on the road rage!!!

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At 8:50 PM, Blogger so tired said...

Glad to hear you had a coordinated family too. We were all color coordinated for Easter. UNTIL my children hit the chocolate fountain at brunch. Then I tried to wash the clothes before dinner and didn't time it right...... Whatever, we looked good for a couple hours.

Glad your weekend went well!

At 9:40 PM, Blogger so tired said...

I meant to tell you my BIL gave my son Ronald Reagan for Easter!

At 12:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to Go, Fat Baby!! I knew you could do it!

I guess we missed it on the news when Atlanta offically announced thier removal from the South. Believe me Atlanta is now about as southern as cream of wheat! You can't even hardly find anyone actually from Georgia living in Metro Atlanta. And....that is why I will never move back there and why my parents are trying to leave.

At 4:18 PM, Blogger Wade's World said...

You never cease to entertain me, and hellooo..did you miss the memo about Atlanta. They haven't been part of the south for at least ten years. Southern...Puh-leese.


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